What is it?
Fasting is a holiday or rest for the body; in particular the digestive organs.
The only thing consumed by mouth is liquid taken as; purified water, broths and juices from organic vegetables and fruits. The combinations are designed to assist the action of the fast. Most therapeutic fasts last from three to seven days.
Fasting is a wonderful healing process for acute and chronic illness as well as a preventative from many degenerative diseases. Used correctly it is a powerful medicinal tool.
How does it work?
Fasting rests the digestive tract:
This allows the various detoxifying mechanisms to mobilize themselves and do just this as they do not need to focus on food metabolism.
30% of our energy is used in metabolizing our food. This energy is redirected to healing.
The mucous membrane of our digestive tract gets to sloth off and cleanup. Absorption, digestion and cleansing become more effective.
Habitual destructive eating patterns get disconnected and you get back in touch with tasting, chewing, digesting, emptying completely and best of all healthy hunger sensations.