Imagine a learning environment that mobilises individual strengths and enhances well-being and performance in innovative ways. These are the results of applying positive psychology in education. Many schools are now introducing positive principles to nurture the whole person with both students and staff.

You can't seperate learning and wellbeing. Welllbeing is essential for learning. With mindfulness, students are more focussed and more engaged learners.

Benefits for Teachers:

1. Calmer Classrooms

2. Less Stress

3. Engaged and focussed students

4. Comprehensive framework and lessons

5. Practical & easy to implement resourses

6. Whole staff and individual support.

Benefits for Students:

1. Increased mental wellbeing

2. Greater concentration and focus

3. Improved academic performance

4. Clear strategies for emotional regulation

5. Better relationships

6. Improved resilience

Positive Education is an approach to education that blends academic learning with character & well-being. Preparing students with life skills such as: grit, optimism, resilience, growth mindset, engagement, and mindfulness amongst others. Positive education is based on the science of well-being and happiness.
Positive Education brings together the science of Positive Psychology with best practice teaching to encourage and support individuals, schools and communities to flourish. We refer to flourishing as a combination of ‘feeling good and doing good’. Positive Education focuses on specific skills that assist students to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote mindfulness and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Hayley Lawrence (BSc Hons., BPsych, ProfCertEd(PosEd) is a health and wellbeing expert providing solutions for corporate organisations, and educational settings. With 22 years of experience in corporate wellbeing, retreats, workshops and events she is passionate to co-create positive change and upgrade wellbeing across all domains. Hayley is currently working towards her PhD with the University of Melbourne.

Hayley completed her Professional Certificate in Education (Positive Education) at The University of Melbourne. This post grad. training provided a foundation in the science of positive psychology and it's application in education settings. Training in different theories of wellbeing and flourishing, examine core positive education constructs, and explore positive interventions that can be used in learning environments to build wellbeing and resilience in students and staff. Hayley works as an educator to initiate and lead systematic change across educational communities, wellbeing policy, and the role of measurement and evaluation.

As well as workplace measurement of wellbeing, PERMA (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment) important factors associated with well-being such as resilience, hope and gratitude are explored. The workplace PERMA profiler (Margaret L Kern) included the five pillars, along with negative emotion and health). The version was later created, which adjusts the questions to the workplace context. PERMAH (positive and negative emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishments and health).

Contact us for more information and how you can upgrade the wellbeing of all staff and students in your organisation and support your team with positive psychology interventions.